Monday, 27 May 2013

Crocheting Frenzy

Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know that I have been in a Crocheting Frenzy for the last few weeks. I am currently in a pile of finished items waving a white flag for someone to dig me out.

I have opened a shop at Etsy to sell my creations. They have all been handmade by moi in England. Please take a look and leave a comment if you like.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Please visit my Etsy store for quality hand crochet items such as baby hats, booties, blankies, mobile phone covers etc

I crochet whatever takes my fancy at the time, so keep an eye on my shop for new items - you never know what will turn up!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Hi everyone, I'm back,

I haven't been writing for a while as things have been a bit hectic lately. Both my Mum and Mother -in- Law have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. (What are the chances of that happening)?

My Mum seems to have a worse dose, if that's what you can call it. She gradually became weaker and weaker to the point where she couldn't even cut a slice of cake. She got to the stage where she couldn't walk as she was fixed to the floor and it took ages for her to be able to lift her foot off the ground. When she eventually did start walking it was slower than a snail. We used to joke that she was Steve Austin the bionic man (A TV series in the 70's where Steve Austin would run so fast due to his bionic legs that they had to show him in slow motion - if you don't laugh, you will cry).

The worse thing about all this is that she was going to the doctors and he was treating her for a bad back!!! This went on for about a year, she was so distressed one day I went to see her doctor with her and he finally sent her to the hospital.

She had to have blood tests and an MRI on her brain and the doctor started her off on a low dose of Sinemed, where she had to gradually increase the dose over a few weeks.

I am glad to say that she is feeling a lot better now, even though she still 'sticks' to the floor sometimes, she is stronger and is able to 
do most things again. Thank God.

Parkinson's disease is progressive, so the medication might not be as effective in the future, so she might get worse again. Hopefully, progress might be made in treating it and a cure might be found.

 I decided that I would like to raise money for research into Parkinson's disease. So as I like to crochet, I thought I would make some baby items to sell on ebay. I will be dividing the proceeds (if any) between Parkinson's disease research and Alzheimer's research. (My Dad had Alzheimer's). 

Here are some of the items that I sell on ebay under the user name brough6333 (These items will vary from time to time, but please take a look in case you see anything you might like. 

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


My little boy was having boiled egg and soldiers for breakfast yesterday and he was messing about, so I said jokingly "come on, hurry up and eat your oeuf".
He said "What is an oeuf?"
I told him it means 'egg' in french.
"Oh", he said, "It has the same name as the planet we live on".
Bless him!

Friday, 13 January 2012


 I have been cooking again. This time I have been making chicken cacciatore. It is really easy to make, which is good considering I have been decorating the house and haven't had much time to do anything else.  At this moment I am sitting writing this looking really chic with emulsion paint stuck in my hair, white splatters on my face and gloss paint on my hands. I have tried in vain to remove the paint, but to no avail. Oh well, I could pretend I am making a fashion statement, you never know it might catch on! Before I sign off, I will attach a video of my recipe and then its back to the Cif to do some more paint removal ..... I hope I have some skin left at the end of it all.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


I thought I would share this recipe with you for Corned Beef Stew. It is easy to make and tasty. If you are on a budget it is also very economical. If you like it, please subscribe to my youtube channel kbmaisie333 for more recipes.

Saturday, 31 December 2011


It's New Years Eve, but I am going to be a stick in the mud tonight, I am staying at home and I might ..if I can be bothered stay up to see in the new year. I love Christmas, but New Year doesn't mean much to me apart from crowds of people in the pubs trying fruitlessly to get served.  At the end of the night,  you have to wait ages for a taxi, then after an exceedingly long wait you will be lucky to get one at all. I usually get stuck beside someone in the taxi queue who is as drunk as a skunk. ( Yes, we do get the occasional drunk skunk around these parts as well as the odd squirrel. I thought squirrels would be more refined, obviously not!)  They insist on talking drivvle about how much they love everyone blah, blah, blah, snore!
Oh well, I wish you all a very happy New Year........yes even you, the drunkard in the taxi queue.
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