Wednesday, 7 December 2011


  After dragging myself out of bed this morning, I staggered bleary eyed into the kitchen  and then it happened.......again!  I slipped and nearly fell down. How did you slip, you may wonder? Well, Ralph had been sick on the kitchen floor and I had trodden on it before I got the chance to put the light on. Yes, it was all over my bare feet.....eeew! To make matters worse, Ralph thought I was playing a game when I was clearing it up  and was jumping around me having a great time. Clearing up dog sick first thing in the morning is not really my idea of a good start to the day, especially when it contains tiny little bones in it. Yes .... you've guessed it, FROG bones! Ralph must have had another feast when he was out on walkies last night, the little.........!

Oh well, the day can only get better - I hope.

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